Sunday 5 June 2022

Interglobular dentin / Incremental growth lines / Granular layer of tomes slideshare ppt

Interglobular dentin

These are areas of hypomineralization or calcification due to failure of fusion of globular masses of mineralization.

It is a defect in mineralization and dentin architecture is normal or unchanged. 

It is most commonly seen in circumpulpal dentin.


It is due to the deficiency of vitamin D or high fluoride level during mineralization.

Incremental Growth Lines

These represents the rhythmic pattern of organic matrix deposition of dentin.

It is deposited at the rate of 4 mm per day. 

Von Ebner Lines

Incremental lines which are at right angle to dentinal tubules are known as Von Ebner Lines

These represent 5 days deposition of dentin.

Neonatal Lines

Wide contour line found in those teeth which are mineralizing at birth.

It represents the disturbance in mineralization created by the physiologic trauma of birth.

Granular Layer of Tomes

Present in root dentin just below the cementum and extend from cementoenamel junction ( CEJ ) to root apex.

They are wider at apex of the tooth then at the CEJ.

Why Granular Layer of Tomes formed?

It is due to

1. Area of hypomineraliztion (Interglobular dentin).

2. Looped terminal portion of dentinal tubules.

3. Special arrangement of collagenous and non-collagenous proteins.

For more watch here

Lecture notes by Dr. Bala

Lecture notes by Dr. Bala

Lecture notes by Dr. Bala

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